Programme C pour trouver le plus grand nombre parmi trois nombres

Dans cet exemple, vous apprendrez à trouver le plus grand nombre parmi les trois nombres entrés par l'utilisateur.

Pour comprendre cet exemple, vous devez avoir la connaissance des sujets de programmation C suivants:

  • Opérateurs de programmation C
  • C if… else Déclaration

Exemple 1: utilisation de l'instruction if

 #include int main() ( double n1, n2, n3; printf("Enter three different numbers: "); scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &n1, &n2, &n3); // if n1 is greater than both n2 and n3, n1 is the largest if (n1>= n2 && n1>= n3) printf("%.2f is the largest number.", n1); // if n2 is greater than both n1 and n3, n2 is the largest if (n2>= n1 && n2>= n3) printf("%.2f is the largest number.", n2); // if n3 is greater than both n1 and n2, n3 is the largest if (n3>= n1 && n3>= n2) printf("%.2f is the largest number.", n3); return 0; ) 

Exemple 2: Utilisation de if… else Ladder

 #include int main() ( double n1, n2, n3; printf("Enter three numbers: "); scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &n1, &n2, &n3); // if n1 is greater than both n2 and n3, n1 is the largest if (n1>= n2 && n1>= n3) printf("%.2lf is the largest number.", n1); // if n2 is greater than both n1 and n3, n2 is the largest else if (n2>= n1 && n2>= n3) printf("%.2lf is the largest number.", n2); // if both above conditions are false, n3 is the largest else printf("%.2lf is the largest number.", n3); return 0; ) 

Exemple 3: Utilisation de l'imbrication if… else

 #include int main() ( double n1, n2, n3; printf("Enter three numbers: "); scanf("%lf %lf %lf", &n1, &n2, &n3); if (n1>= n2) ( if (n1>= n3) printf("%.2lf is the largest number.", n1); else printf("%.2lf is the largest number.", n3); ) else ( if (n2>= n3) printf("%.2lf is the largest number.", n2); else printf("%.2lf is the largest number.", n3); ) return 0; ) 

La sortie de tous ces programmes ci-dessus sera la même.

 Entrez trois nombres: -4,5 3,9 5,6 5,60 est le plus grand nombre. 

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